Integrated innovation is what operators will appreciate with the SeedStar 2 monitoring system and GreenStar™ 2 Display. An increasing number of acres combined with rising seed costs drive the need to easily understand planter functions and monitor performance. It is all about making every seed count and that is what SeedStar 2 delivers.
The SeedStar 2 monitoring system is a full-feature, color, seed population monitor used in conjunction with the GreenStar family of displays. SeedStar 2 is compatible with the GreenStar 2 1800 and 2600 Displays, GreenStar 3 2630 Display, the Gen 4 4200 CommandCenter™ Display, the Gen 4 4600 CommandCenter Display, the 4240 Universal Display, and the 4640 Universal Display. SeedStar 2 is not compatible with the Gen 4 Extended Monitor. Conveniently, SeedStar 2 planting functions are fully integrated with the full spectrum of Precision Ag Technology applications—guidance, coverage maps, and field documentation can be shown all on one display.
When a SeedStar 2 system is used on a planter, there is no need for a ComputerTrak™ monitor. All vital planting information is displayed in one central, easy-to-read location.
SeedStar 2 features

SeedStar 2 is a user-friendly system that has retained all the valued features of SeedStar and incorporated the next generation of enhancements. For example, on-screen color indicators show drive engagement/disengagement status. In addition, three color planter-at-a-glance bars (black, orange, or red) visually inform the operator of row population status.
Not only does SeedStar 2 incorporate the use of color, but it also utilizes an intuitive icon and folder-based operator interface. Icons are easy to understand across many languages and reduce the need for text. Icons for planter main run page, planter setup, seed/crop setup, totals, and diagnostics are located in the soft-key region of the display. Setup is performed by selecting the appropriate icon and then choosing the tabs to enter/select information.
The SeedStar 2 monitor offers all the features and functionality of the ComputerTrak 350 monitor and much more. SeedStar 2 monitors the following planter functions:
- Row population/spacing
- Row failure
- Average population (entire planter and by variable-rate drive [VRD] motor section)
- Vacuum level
- Fertilizer pressure
- Acre counter
- Total acreage
- Tractor speed
In addition, planter operational information is available within the SeedStar 2 monitor system. Such operational information includes population charts, seed disk vacuum settings, and setting recommendations for the piston pump liquid fertilizer system.
All SeedStar 2 systems have the capability, through a single controller, to perform both the seed monitoring and variable rate drive functions. SeedStar 2 monitoring is required for VRD population control. Even though the planter may not be equipped with SeedStar 2 VRD, the SeedStar 2 monitoring system is available and will allow for future installation of VRD.
SeedStar 2 is compatible with the RowCommand™ system and Section Control.
SeedStar 2 enhancements

The SeedStar 2 enhanced planter features include:
- GreenStar 2 display integration – eliminates the need to operate the GreenStar 2 2600 Display in the original GreenStar monitor mode or the use of dual displays.
- User-friendly, intuitive icons
- Half- or full-screen run page
- On-screen, color drive status – a quick glance at the display tells the operator if the half-width disconnect is engaged or disengaged.
- Three-color planter-at-a-glance population bar – a black bar indicates that population is close to target and within established limits; orange shows the population is above/below the alarm set point; and red signals the population is out of operating range or is not planting.
- Three-piece, color VRD indicator – each piece of the VRD gear pie turns green when the wheel motion sensor is active, planter is lowered, and drives are engaged.
Model year 2022 changes to SeedStar 2
In addition to all the great features listed above, model year 2022 introduced more improvements to the SeedStar 2 system, including:
- Singulation, coefficient of variation (CV), and spacing metrics in base (excludes DB90 54Row20 and planters greater than 48 rows)
- Introduction of the 32-bit controller – refer to DTAC solution 218986 for more information
- Low seed rate alarm sensitivity – allows operators to plant lower rates and at slower speeds while maintaining visibility to planter metrics and avoiding nuisance alarms
NOTE: Enabling the low seed rate alarm sensitivity toggle may cause status bars to update slower.

SeedStar monitoring original features
SeedStar 2 retains all those SeedStar features that producers value and have come to expect:
Planter at a glance – allows operator to view relative population levels of all rows on one screen.
Automatic valve calibration – with the SeedStar VRD, this is now completed automatically. There is no longer a need to manually calibrate the hydraulic valves.
Increased population updates – SeedStar updates population levels once a second at planter start up then approximately once every three seconds.
Mapping of actual seed rates – When combined with Field Doc™ system, actual and target seeding rates can now be mapped in APEX™ software.
Reprogrammable utilizing controller area network (CAN) via Service ADVISOR™ diagnostics system.
Improved diagnostics/event recorder – on SeedStar VRD planters, additional diagnostic information is available, as well as an event recorder to capture system performance data at a specific point in time.
Ability to run motors at different population levels – on SeedStar VRD, operators running multiple motor systems can run each motor at a different speed, allowing different population levels within a planter.
User-configurable high fertilizer pressure alarm – allows the operator to be warned when fertilizer pressure reaches a specific level.
Automatic quick-start for SeedStar VRD – the operator no longer needs to press the quick-start button on end row turns to resume planting.
Automatic tractor speed source selection – when equipped with an 8000/9000 Series Tractor, the system selects the radar speed or allows for manual speed input selection.
Pneumatic downforce provides convenient, simple adjustment of downforce for the whole planter from one location. The amount of downforce applied is infinitely adjustable from 0 kg to 181.4 kg (0 lb to 400 lb). Pneumatic downforce provides more consistent downforce throughout the range of row-unit travel than mechanical spring downforce systems.
Several pneumatic downforce system improvements have been implemented, including:
- 9.5-mm (3/8-in.) air delivery line instead of the 6.4-mm (1/4-in.) line used on model year 2010 and older planters.
- Air compressor assembly increased duty cycle. With this compressor, it provides a 47 percent increase in maximum air flow delivery compared to the prior air compressor.
- Pneumatic air bags with 9.5-mm (3/8-in.) air line inlets that have greater durability.
Such improvements to the pneumatic downforce system enable faster and more precise control of row-unit downforce while planting.
System features

Each row-unit has a single, rubber air bag located between the parallel arms. The air bags are hooked in parallel so that air can be added or released from all rows at once from one location.
Pneumatic downforce systems are available as base equipment on all 1700 Series and DB Planters. The individual pneumatic downforce air bag assemblies, air compressor units, and 9.5-mm (3/8-in.) delivery lines are also available as an attachment for field conversion.

An improved compressor is used to charge the pneumatic system. This compressor can be located on the planter frame or in the tractor cab if desired. A gauge at the compressor indicates the amount of downforce being applied.
From the factory, integral planter models with pneumatic downforce will have an improved air compressor assembly with an in-cab mounting bracket, except the 1725 16Row and 1725 Central Commodity System (CCS™) Twin-Row Planters which will have the air compressor assembly mounted on the planter frame. For drawn planter models, the 1755, 1765, 1765NT, 1775 Front-Fold, and 1785 Drawn Planters will have the air compressor assembly installed either on the outer hitch or wing frame members when the pneumatic downforce system is installed.
Pneumatic downforce springs

Pneumatic downforce provides convenient, simple adjustment of downforce for the whole planter from one location. The amount of downforce applied is infinitely adjustable from 0 kg to 181.4 kg (0 lb to 400 lb). Pneumatic downforce provides more consistent downforce throughout the range of row-unit travel than mechanical-spring downforce systems. Each row-unit has a single rubber air bag located between the parallel arms. The air bags are hooked in parallel so that air can be added or released from all rows at once from one location.
Pneumatic downforce systems are available as base equipment on all 1705 Series and DB Planters.
Pneumatic downforce with spring upforce kit

Pneumatic downforce with spring upforce kit option includes the same convenient, simple adjustment of downforce with up to 81.6 kg (180 lb) of upforce per row-unit. Dual upforce springs provide the row-unit upforce to increase flotation in softer soils. This upforce can also be used to counteract excess row-unit margin or extra weight cause by seed, tillage, or other attachments on the row-unit. Upforce springs will limit the maximum amount of downforce that can be placed on a row-unit by the downforce system and should only be used in conditions were adequate and consistent depth control is easily maintained.
Seed variable-rate drive provides the ultimate planting productivity by utilizing one, two, or three hydraulic motors (varies by model) to turn the seeding drive shaft. Hydraulic control of the seeding drive allows for on-the-go seeding rate changes right from the display mounted inside the tractor cab. Combine this seeding flexibility with the map-based planting option, and seeding rates adjust automatically based on the prescribed map.
Variable-rate drive offers the following advantages over common, ground, or contact-tire drive systems:
Rate changes are almost instantaneous; no ramp up or ramp down of system as in some competitive systems
- Permits the producer to match seed population based on different soil types or irrigation practices
- John Deere design provides added operator safety by eliminating any possible drive creep found in some competitive variable-rate drive systems

Single- or dual-motor systems for variable-rate drives are available for all John Deere planters except the 1785 Rigid Frame. Variable-rate drive is available as a factory-installed option for all applicable planter models.
Single- or dual-motor systems are available as field-installed attachments for most planter models; however, a three-motor variable-rate drive field-installed attachment is not available.
Seed variable-rate drive requires the SeedStar™ monitor and a radar input signal. Either tractor or planter radar may be used. Planter radar is ordered separately.
NOTE: Peanut seed meter disks require the variable-drive transmission.