GMD 310 F
- High mowing output often comes from using a front-mounted disc mower.
This new mower is designed for medium-sized tractors. It has numerous developments in ergonomics and mechanical robustness: greater operating comfort for setting to work / transport position, easier access to greasing points, reinforced chassis and revised drive train. - More Info
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Working width (m) | 3.11 |
Number of discs with protecting skids | 8 (in treated steel) |
Knife attachment | FAST-FIT or bolt | Modular disc bearing stations removable from the outside | As standard | Swath width (m) | 1.30 on average | Swathing system | 2 x 2 belt-driven drums | PTO speed (rpm) | 1000 | Transport width (m) | 2.99 | Drive train protection | PROTECTADRIVE system |

GMD 3125 F
- Ground contour following is of utmost importance in the production of high quality forage, to prevent contamination by impurities and preserve plant cover. To meet this challenge, the GMD 3125 F comes with:
– significant angular and vertical travel range of -300 to +400 mm,
– an exclusive ground pressure system, with hydro-pneumatic accumulators, LIFT-CONTROLand exclusive kinematics including 2 large, pivoting connecting rods,
– easy hydraulic pressure adjustment,
– two rotating drums that produce a swath between the wheels. - More Info
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Working width (m) | 3.1 |
Cutterbars | OPTIDISC |
Number of discs with protecting skids | 7 (treated steel) | Modular disc bearing stations removable from the outside | As standard | Swath width (m) | 1.00 - 1.20 on average | Swathing system | 2 driven drums | PTO speed (rpm) | 1000 | Transport width (m) | 2.99 | Drive train protection | PROTECTADRIVE system |

GMD 3525 F
- Ground contour following is of utmost importance in the production of high quality forage, to prevent contamination by impurities and preserve plant cover. To meet this challenge, the GMD 3525 F comes with:
– significant angular and vertical travel range of -300 to +400 mm,
– an exclusive ground pressure system, with hydro-pneumatic accumulators, LIFT-CONTROLand exclusive kinematics including 2 large, pivoting connecting rods,
– easy hydraulic pressure adjustment,
– two rotating drums that produce a swath between the wheels. - More Info
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Working width (m) | 3.5 |
Number of discs with protecting skids | 8 (in treated steel) |
Knife attachment | FAST-FIT | Modular disc bearing stations removable from the outside | As standard | Swath width (m) | 1.00 - 1.20 on average | Swathing system | 2 driven drums | PTO speed (rpm) | 1000 | Transport width (m) | 3.48 | Drive train protection | PROTECTADRIVE system |