Your Field Analysis
Get a better understanding of what is driving field performance
As you prepare to make decisions for your operation throughout the growing season, you need to understand what is driving performance in your fields. Analysis tools in John Deere Operations Center™ web and mobile let you dig deeper into the powerful data you gather during fieldwork in high definition
Field Analyzer allows you to review data layers you have collected in the field. You can compare and overlay multiple data layers to visualise their relationship, or fix data errors that may have been made during collection in the field.
Using the Analyze tool in Operations Center, you can view and analyse your data in an aggregated and tabulated format to more easily draw conclusions, as well as identify any potential errors. Viewing your data in this format, and with powerful filtering functions, you can quickly answer key questions about your operation’s performance and inputs. Analyze also makes it easy to share and export reports with your agronomist or trusted advisor.
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